Anxiety Treatment – A Natural Approach to Curing Worry & Uneasiness

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Anxiety PreventionAnxiety is a normal human behavior. It is an intrinsic part of our species. Anxiety is derived from “anxious”, which derives its name from the meaning of “being tormented”. Anxiety is a form of self-torment that is raised in response to a situation.
It is so common that nearly everyone experiences anxiety in some way every day. Anxiety is not a problem. It is when anxiety starts to creep into areas where it has no real reason that it becomes a problem. This is called a “disorder”.
Anxiety Disorders
There are many types of anxiety disorders that can be treated differently. These are the most common anxiety disorders:
Obsessive Compulsive Disease (OCD).
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).
Social Phobia
Panic Attacks
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Phobias Specific
Common Anxiety Causes
Anxiety disorders can have many causes. They are not always easy to pinpoint.
Genetic Predisposition – Some anxiety disorders, such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), can be passed down through the family. It is possible that some people are more likely to develop anxious symptoms if they have a genetic trait.
Anxiety disorders can be caused by stress – Stress is a condition that causes high levels of stress and seemingly endless stressful situations. Disorders like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), for example, are specifically linked to traumatizing and stressful events.
An anxiety disorder can be caused by sudden life changes.
Anxiety disorders can also be caused by a variety of factors, including external and internal factors. Talking about your anxiety issues with someone who is open to listening and understanding can help you get through it. Talking about your feelings can help you get rid of them and understand why you are having a difficult time.
Common Signs of Anxiety
The symptoms of anxiety disorders can vary depending on what type of anxiety they are. Voicive some of the most common symptoms of anxiety:

Fear and worry
Feeling anxious while driving or riding in a car
Tightness or pain in the chest
Difficulty in sleeping
Strange muscle aches or pains
Difficulty in breathing
Frequent yawning
Concentration difficulties or mind wandering
Feeling easily tired
Feeling at the edge
Natural Anxiety Treatments
Relaxation techniques
It can be very helpful to learn how to relax and let go of tension that contributes to anxiety. Here are some relaxation techniques to help with anxiety:

  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Meditation
  • Relaxing music
  • Abdominal breathing
  • Relaxation exercises
    Cognitive therapy
    Cognitive therapy focuses on changing thought patterns and subconscious beliefs that trigger anxiety. A person with social phobia anxiety might benefit from changing their beliefs about how people view him/her. It is disempowering for the individual to say, “I’m boring,” which can worsen their condition. It is much easier to make positive changes if the person can change their belief systems and thought patterns.
    Cognitive therapy can include rational’selftalk’, reality-testing, cognitive challenging and attention training. This involves monitoring your self-talk and challenging unhelpful beliefs and fears. It also includes testing the reality of negative thoughts.
    Correct breathing techniques
    It is as easy as changing your breathing patterns to reduce anxiety. Hyperventilation, a major physiological problem, is when the body becomes over-saturated in oxygen and panic-stricken. This is where it’s very helpful to learn to breathe through your diaphragm rather than the chest. Simply allow your stomach to expand with every breath.
    To check your breathing, place one hand on your lower abdomen while the other is on your chest. Proper breathing is when your abdomen moves more than your chest. This can help you feel anxious and slow down your breathing. Try holding your breath for a few moments. This will increase the levels of carbon dioxide in your blood and counteract hyperventilation.
    Behavior therapy
    Exposure is a key component of behavior therapy. Exposure simply refers to removing any obstacles that are preventing you from confronting your fear at its root. This can help you to re-evaluate and redefine your fears, which may lead to a breakthrough.
    Exposure therapy can include the following steps:
  • List your fears from most to least concerning.
  • Choose one of your least-threatening fears to be your first.
  • Play an imaginary role-play to confront fears and identify the root cause.
    Take small steps to become more fearful or uncomfortable.
  • Resist the urge not to go. Relaxation, breathing techniques, and coping statements can help you manage anxiety.
    • Refrain from judging the situation.
  • Continue to expose yourself as many times as possible to increase your confidence in your ability to cope.
  • Continue the exposure cycle with other fears when you feel ready.
    Adjustments to your diet
    Regular changes in your diet can make a huge difference in anxiety symptoms. The first step is to reduce your caffeine intake. Keep in mind that caffeine can be found in high or low doses in tea, coffee, chocolate, green tea, and energy drinks. These foods can be replaced with more healthy and calming alternatives. You can also eat more fruits and vegetables, and avoid eating processed foods. Avoid white breads, margarine and deep-fried foods, as well as chocolate bars.
  • CBD Oil
  • CBD has been shown to reduce anxiety , or have no effect even at high doses. THC on the other hand increases anxiety at lower doses while decreasing it at higher doses. It is possible that CBD can make you anxious if it contains high levels of THC .Get all CBD info at CBDInfoandShop.
    Exercise can increase the production of happy hormone endorphins, which makes you feel good. Exercise will also help to reduce stress hormones that are responsible for our bodies’ “fight-or flight” response to stressful situations. This is a major cause of anxiety. Try to exercise at least three times per week, and do it regularly!
    Be more assertive
    You can avoid unnecessary stress by letting people know what you think about certain topics. Communicating your needs, desires and opinions more clearly to others is a way to be more assertive in your communications. This will increase self-esteem, and it will also prevent you from lowering your self-esteem by not speaking up.
    Building self-esteem
    You will feel more confident and self-worth if you surround yourself with people and things that inspire confidence. Many people find low self-esteem to be a common symptom of anxiety. Low self-esteem can lead to a compounding effect that can increase feelings like:
  • Isolation
  • Shame
  • Guilt
  • A depressed mood
  • Difficulties at school, work, or social situations.
    Structured problem solving
    Half the battle for anxiety is learning how to actively search out solutions. Anxiety sufferers often become so paralysed by worry that they are unable to find solutions, or even feel motivated to do anything about it.
    Anxiety can be treated with medication, which has been proven to be effective. However, it is important to see medications as a temporary solution. Medical publications have clearly shown that behavioral therapies, regular counseling sessions, and natural anxiety treatments are more effective at overcoming anxiety long-term.

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